Need approval before submitting an online order? Or do you need to send your list of items to a purchaser? Saving your cart offers a convenient way to share shopping lists and prices.
Before you can save a cart, you must have a store account. Select "My Account" at the top of the page to create one or sign in. If you already have items in your cart, they will still be there when you sign in.
>> Please note: store accounts are not the same as online support accounts. <<
When you're signed in, you'll see a "Save for later" link when you view your cart. Click or tap it to save the current list. Then go to "My Account" and scroll down to "Saved Carts." There you can view the cart contents before selecting "Email Cart." This will send a link to the e-mail addresses you enter. When the receiver clicks on the link, they will be taken to the store with your items already placed in their cart. Then they can go to the checkout screen to either review the cost, including shipping and taxes, or submit the order themselves. Your cart will be available in your account until you delete it, so you can also sign in to continue (submit) the order later.
If you need a paper quote, print the checkout page. To include shipping and taxes, be sure to enter your address(es) and select a shipping method first. The order won't be placed as long as you don't click the "Check Out" button.
Payment Methods
We have several options to make paying for your purchase as convenient as possible. We accept:
- Credit Cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express)
- Purchase Orders (you must set up an account with us first)
- Checks
- Money Orders
By special arrangement, we may also accept wire transfers or direct deposit.
If you have any questions, please contact TimeMark Sales.